Despite its systemic rivalry with China, the West has three options that could help it achieve tangible action in the sphere of climate policy. This article was published in the academic journal The Economists’ Voi...
In this policy brief, we provide evidence on potential economic effects for Bulgaria from joining the euro area. We focus on four economic channels we view as central to the country’s accession to the euro, namely inflat...
Major Western leaders have been calling for “de-risking” from China, rather than “decoupling.” But what exactly de-risking means and how it differs from decoupling, remains unclear. It is ultimately firms, not government...
Enforcing Energy Sanctions and Reducing Shadow Reserves Effectively Financial sanctions are key in enforcing restrictions on Russian energy exports – in particular the G7/EU oil price cap regime –, due to financial insti...
As the German Chancellor heads to Beijing – the first visit by a G7 leader since the pandemic began, Germany and the EU must reevaluate their approach to China, especially after the recent Communist Party Congress furthe...